Mobilize, paying attention to hip flexors and posterior chain, then:

2 sets of:
15 cal row
10 step back lunges w/reach overhead
5 kips on pull-up bar

A.) spend 10 minutes building a heavy squat clean (no more than 7-8 reps)

B.) 19.2
25 T2B
50 dubs
15 squat cleans*
25 T2B
50 dubs
13 squat cleans*
25 T2B
50 dubs
11 squat cleans*
25 T2B
50 dubs
9 squat cleans*
And so on..
* if not competing in open, pick appropriate weights, I would like everyone to work for at least 12 minutes, can go longer to 20 if you like.

C. 3 sets of:
10-12 hip extensions on ghd with pause at top