
Mobilize, then: CS activation Then.... 3 sets of: 3 wall climbs 15 hollow rocks 10 medball hamstring curls A.) 5x5 push press Rest :90 sec between, and build as you go! B.) 3 sets: not for time 6 landmine rows (each arm) 4 lines and back suitcase carry (each arm) 55/35 C.) every 2 for [...]

By |2019-10-31T22:49:05+00:00October 31st, 2019|


Mobilize, A. Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets): Clean high pull + hang clean (full) *Set 1 = 1 rep @ 65% *Set 2 = 1 rep @ 70% *Sets 3-4 = 1 rep @ 75% *Sets 5-6 = 1 rep @ 80% *Sets 7-8 = 1 rep @ 85% B. Two sets [...]

By |2019-10-30T17:44:20+00:00October 30th, 2019|


Mobilize, then Snatch Skills and Drills Every minute, on the minute, for 3 minutes (3 sets): Snatch Press from Receiving x 3-5 reps Built over the course of the three sets. Followed by…. Every 90 seconds, for 6 minutes (4 sets): Snatch Balance x 3 reps Building in weight, but don’t go heavier than you [...]

By |2019-10-29T01:11:41+00:00October 29th, 2019|


Mobilize, then: 2 sets of: 10 hip ext on ghd 10 burpees 10 push press w/empty barbell A.) Take 12 minutes to build to: A heavy single clean B.) 20.3 9 minute time cap 21-15-9 Deadlift 225/155 HSPU Then.... 21-15-9 Deadlift 315/205 50 ft Hanstand walk C.) accumulate 2 minutes of l-sit in dip position

By |2019-10-27T23:27:46+00:00October 27th, 2019|


 Mobilize, then: 20 banded monster walks 20 banded lateral walks 1:00 min plank 5 box jumps A.) every 2 for 10 (5 sets) Back squat 1) 5 reps @ 70% 2) 4 reps @ 75% 3) 3 reps @ 80% 4) 2 reps @ 85% 5) 1 rep @ 90% B.) For total time: [...]

By |2019-10-25T02:47:36+00:00October 25th, 2019|


Mobilize, then: 2 sets: 3 deep squat progressions 10 band pull-a-parts 10 pushups A.) Emom 5 3-6 strict hspu B.) every :90 sec for 6 min (4 sets) 2-3 rope climbs C.) 2 sets for time: 7 bar mu 15 burpee box jumps 20 wall-balls 500 m row * rest 3:00

By |2019-10-23T15:01:16+00:00October 23rd, 2019|


Mobilize, then: 2 sets of: 5 inchworms 10 banded good mornings 15 kB swings A.) Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets): Clean high pull + hang clean + Clean *Set 1 = 1 rep @ 65% *Set 2 = 1 rep @ 70% *Sets 3-4 = 1 rep @ 75% *Sets 5-6 = [...]

By |2019-10-21T22:39:07+00:00October 21st, 2019|


Mobilize, then: CS activation 2 sets of: 5 barbell thrusters :20 sec side plank 5 pull-ups A.) Take 10 minutes to build to a 2 rep heavy double of front squat B.) 20.2 20 minute amrap 4 dumbbell thrusters 50/35’s 6 T2B 24 double unders C.) 2 sets: 20 hip extensions 10 slow pushups

By |2019-10-21T00:35:27+00:00October 21st, 2019|


Mobilize, then: CS activation 2 sets: 10 medball hamstring curls 10 air squats 10 pushups A.) 4 sets: (alternating between) 6-8 Bulgarian split lunges (each leg) 6-8 bent over row with barbell B. Row 2000 meters and then … Four rounds for time of: 50 Double-Unders 15 Burpees over the Erg 10 Strict Handstand Push-Ups [...]

By |2019-10-17T22:12:29+00:00October 17th, 2019|


 Mobilize, then: Two-Three sets of: Row 300-400 meters @ medium pace Hollow rocks x 20 reps Wall walk x 2 reps A. Every 45 seconds, for 3 minutes, complete (4 sets): Shoulder taps in hand plank position x 20 reps followed by … 5 minutes of: Handstand Walk Practice B. Complete 3 reps each [...]

By |2019-10-15T22:35:41+00:00October 15th, 2019|
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