Mobilize, then:

2 sets of:
:30 sec plank
:30 sec side plank (each side)
5 jump squats (empty barbell)
5 push jerks (empty barbell)

Every 90 seconds, for 9 minutes (6 sets):
Power Jerk x 2 reps

*Sets 1-3 @ 65-70%
*Sets 4-6 @ 70-75%

Five sets of:
Deadlift x 5 reps @ 75%
Rest as needed

Four rounds for time of:
Kettlebell Swings x 20 reps (Russian) 55/35
Double-Unders x 50 reps

at the 8:00 mark, complete …

Four rounds for time of:
15 cal row
15 DB Front Squats (50’s/35’s)

at the 16:00 mark, complete …

For time:
400 Meter Run
20 Toes-to-Bar
400 Meter Run
20 Toes-to-Bar