Mobilize, then:

Two sets of:
Banded Monster Walks x 20 reps fwd/bck
Banded Lateral Walks x 10 reps each direction
Banded Squats x 10 reps

Finish with …

3 Minutes on the Assault Bike with nasal breathing only

“The Eagle”
Eight rounds for max load of:
8 Kettlebell Front Squats
20-Meter Kettlebell Farmer’s Carry

* goal is to not set kb’s down until finished with all 8 sets

Three sets of:
Inverted Barbell Row x 10-12 reps @ 2111
Rest 30 seconds
Supinated-Grip Band Pull-Aparts x 15-20 reps @ 2020
Rest 30 seconds
Ab-Wheel Roll Outs x 15 reps
Rest 30 seconds

Four rounds for time of:
20 Banded Biceps Curls
30 Banded Overhead Tricep Extensions