Mobilize, then:

Three sets of:
Tempo Bench Press x 4-6 reps @ 21X1
(slow and controlled descent, then pause for one second in the bottom position, then explode the barbell up as quickly as you can; these should be performed at least 5% heavier than last week’s sets)
Rest 2 minutes

Followed by…

One set of:
Bench Press x Max reps @ today’s working weight (no tempo)

Three rounds for time of:
8 Deadlifts
16 Handstand Push-Ups
24 Calorie Row

295/205 lbs

Scaling options:
Handstand Push-Ups:
6-4-2 Wall Climbs

You’ve got some heavy deadlifts paired with being inverted on the menu today! This means keeping your back from being overextended is crucial! Please lower the weight on the deadlifts if you can’t maintain good form in the workout. To make sure you are kicking into the same spot every time for your handstand push-ups, chalk up your hands and place them on the mat where you’d like to kick up so you have a visual during the workout.
Keep yourself from overextending in your handstand push-ups by mentally cuing yourself to pull your ribs down and pin them to your back. Be powerful with your row but again, maintain a strong and neutral (flat) back during your row. Be sure to implement the ‘quick release’ method since you’ll be getting in and out of the erg a few times during the workout.

Three sets of:
Glute Ham Raises x 8-10 reps
Rest 60 seconds
Russian Twists x 30 seconds
Rest 60 seconds