Mobilize, then:

Two sets of:
20 seconds of Banded Palloff Hold (Left)
20 seconds of Banded Palloff Hold (Right)
30 seconds of Banded Lateral Walk (Left)
30 seconds of Banded Lateral Walk (Right)
30 seconds of Single-Leg Prone GHD Plank (Left)
30 seconds of Single-Leg Prone GHD Plank (Right)
20 seconds of Banded Forward Walk (Left)
20 seconds of Banded Forward Walk (Right)
Rest 60 seconds

You should be able to complete this entire Glute Activation Circuit in less than 12 minutes.

Three sets, not for time, of:
Donkey Kicks x 6-8 reps*
Single Leg Thigh Taps x 12-20 reps**
L-Sit Hold x 45 seconds (accumulate time)

Every 3 minutes, for 15 minutes, complete (5 sets):
Back Squat x 4-5 reps @ 75-80%

For time:
Row 1,000 meters
30 Cleans (Power or Squat)
50 Bar Facing Burpees over Barbell

135/95 lbs

One set of:
10 Tuck to V-Up Complexes