Mobilize, then:
3 sets:
10 v-ups
10 box jumps
10 t2b
A.) 5×3 front squat
* build to heavy, and stay fast on the way up!
B.) 3 sets:
20/15 cal ski erg
15 pull-ups
10 box jump overs
Rest :90 seconds
C. 3 sets:
15 ghd sit-ups
Mobilize, then:
3 sets:
10 v-ups
10 box jumps
10 t2b
A.) 5×3 front squat
* build to heavy, and stay fast on the way up!
B.) 3 sets:
20/15 cal ski erg
15 pull-ups
10 box jump overs
Rest :90 seconds
C. 3 sets:
15 ghd sit-ups