Mobilize, then:

2 sets of:

5 snatch grip btn presses empty bar
5 over head squats empty bar
5 box jumps

A.) every 2 for 12
3 position snatch (hip/knee/floor)



Every 90 sec for 18 minutes (4 sets)
1 – Diagonal Walking Lunges x 16-20 reps (hold DB/KB in a farmers carry)
2 – Single Arm DB Press x 6-8 reps per arm
3 – Iso Hold on Rings x 15.15 (top of dip position, 15 seconds, then rest, then another 15 seconds)

C.) 12 EMOM

30 dubs + 6-8 T2B

* should have 10-15 sec rest each round so scale accordingly