Dynamic Mobility & Activation
Spend 30 seconds with each arm on Single Arm Hang from Bar; repeat twice

and then . . .

Two sets of:
Wall Slides x 10 reps

and then . . .

One set of:
Ring Muscle-Up Reverse Pull-Up x 15 reps

Muscle-Up Density Test
For max reps:
90 seconds of Muscle-Ups
Rest 60 seconds
60 seconds of Muscle-Ups
Rest 60 seconds
30 seconds of Muscle-Ups

Note reps achieved for each set.

If you don’t have a muscle-up then skip this portion.

Every 45 seconds, for 9 minutes (12 sets):
Banded Deadlift x 2 reps @ 35% Bar Weight + 25-30% Band Tension at Lockout

*Get tight and the concentric portion of the lift needs to be performed as fast as possible to a strong lockout by the glutes

Every 6 minutes, for 24 minutes, complete:
Row x 500 meters
Burpees over the Erg x 15 reps
Double-Unders x 30 reps

Two-Three sets of:
Hip Extensions x 15 reps @ 1111
Rest 45 seconds
Banded Hip Bridges x 15 reps
Rest 45 seconds
Wall Slides x 10 reps
Rest 45 seconds

Followed by. . .

For max weight:
150-foot Farmer’s Carry