Mobilize, then: A.) Every 2 for 12 (6 sets) 1 clean pull + 1 power clean + 1 full clean (building) B.) 16 min emom 1) 10 burpee box jumps 2) 7 C2B pullups 3) 10 dumbbell deadlifts 50/35 4) 7 dumbbell push press 50/35
Mobilize, then: A.) Every 2 for 12 (6 sets) 1 clean pull + 1 power clean + 1 full clean (building) B.) 16 min emom 1) 10 burpee box jumps 2) 7 C2B pullups 3) 10 dumbbell deadlifts 50/35 4) 7 dumbbell push press 50/35
Mobilize, then: A.) push press 5x4 (building) B.) 12 amrap 15 pushups 10 line sled push (5/back) 5 sandbag over shoulder C.) 100 bicycles
Mobilize, then: A.) Every 2 for 12 Power Snatch + 2 Full Snatch B.) Every 5 for 20 minutes 4 snatch (any style) 135/95 15/12 cal assault bike 15 T2B C.) 3 x 20 steps walking lunge w/db's
Mobilize, then: A) take 10 minutes to build to a heavyish clean B.) 20 minute amrap (not trying for max rounds, trying to continue moving steadily) 3 power cleans 185/125 3 strict hspu (or 6 pushups) 3 Bar MU 3 line sled push (medium weight) C.) 3 rounds of: 30 mountain climbers 30 russian twists [...]
Mobilize, then: A.) Every 2 for 12 minutes: Snatch pull + power snatch + 2 OHS *building* B.) EMOM 20 1) 18/14 cal row 2) 2 rope climbs 3) 12 goblet squats w/kb 55/35 4) rest
Mobilize, then: A.) Every :90 sec for 12 minutes alternate between: (4 sets each) 1) 2 power cleans + 2 front squats (building) 2) 30 shoulder taps in pushup position B.) 15 amrap 5 deadlifts 155/105 10 pushups 15 cal ski or bike * at 5 and 10 min mark stop and do 20 burpees
Mobilize, then: A.) Push Press 5-5-5-3-3-3 start at 50% and build to 80%+ B.) 5 min amrap of: 10 front rack lunges w/kb's 35/25 (or db's) 12 pushups *rest 2 minutes* 5 min amrap of: 10 T2B 10 box jumps 24/20 *rest 2 minutes* 5 min amrap of: 3 sandbag over shoulder (pick your weight) [...]
Mobilize, then: A.) Every 2 for 12 Power clean + full clean + front squat *building* B.) Emom 24 1) 12/9 cal bike 2) 6 OHS 105/65 3) 3 Bar MU