
Mobilize, then: 2 sets of: 10 banded pass thrus in squat 10 banded good mornings 10 banded presses (band around foot, pressing overhead) Every :90 sec , for 15 minutes (10 sets): Snatch without moving feet x 2 reps *Sets 1-2 @ 60%of 1-RM Snatch *Sets 3-4 @ 65%of 1-RM Snatch *Sets 5-7 @ 70%of [...]

By |2019-01-14T02:24:01+00:00January 14th, 2019|


Mobilize, then: 2 sets of: 10 bird dogs (alt) 10 single arm kB swings (each arm) 5 kB presses (each arm) 5 squat jumps A.) 3x3 Deficit hspu negatives * 5 sec descent/come off wall/kick back up B.) death by: Deadlift + push-up 155/103 1) 1 deadlift +1 push-up 2) 2 deadlift + 2 push-ups [...]

By |2019-01-11T01:51:17+00:00January 11th, 2019|


Mobilize, then: 3 sets of: 10 thrusters (dumbell) 10 hollow rocks 10 push-ups 10 deadlifts (dumbell) A.) Four sets of: Bulgarian Split Squats x 6-8 reps per leg @ 3011; Rest 45 seconds between legs Rest 90 seconds Bent over row x 6 reps @ 1311 Rest 90 seconds B.) 3 sets for total time: [...]

By |2019-01-10T02:39:54+00:00January 10th, 2019|


Mobilize, then: 3 sets: 10 cal bike 5 box jumps 5 clean pulls (barbell) 5 strict press (barbell) A.) take 10-12 min to build up to a heavy power clean B.) EMOM 8 4-8 ring dips (scale to bar, or push-ups) C.) partner wod 20 amrap 400 m run (both run together) 20 power cleans [...]

By |2019-01-08T01:24:53+00:00January 8th, 2019|


Mobilize, then: 2 sets: 5 inchworms 10 step back lunges (bw) 15 cal row A. Death by: strict pull-up 1 first min; 2 2nd min; 3 3rd min; and so on...... B. For Max Reps: 2 Minutes Row for Calories 30 Seconds Rest 90 Seconds Burpees 30 Seconds Rest 60 Seconds Assault Bike 30 Seconds [...]

By |2019-01-06T18:11:19+00:00January 6th, 2019|


Mobilize, then: 2 sets of: :30 sec side plank (each) 12 goblet squats w/kb 12 push-ups A) 3 rounds not for time 5-8 strict pull-ups 5-8 strict hspu 20/15 assault bike cals B) 4x4 back squat *2-3 sec descent, 1 sec pause in bottom @65-70% C) 3 sets: 10 T2B 8 line farmers carry (heavy) [...]

By |2019-01-04T02:02:37+00:00January 4th, 2019|


Mobilize, then: 2 sets of: 5 inchworms 5 btn press in ohs position (barbell) :30 sec plank A) 3 sets of: 3 position snatch @45-50% (Hip, kneecap, floor) * focus on position Every :90 sec for 15 min (9 sets) 2 snatch without moving feet *start at 60% and build up to 75% B.) 3 [...]

By |2019-01-02T15:49:22+00:00January 2nd, 2019|
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