
Mobilize, then: 2 sets: :30 sec ring push-up plank hold 15 banded kB swings 10 air squats w/arms overhead A.) every 3 minutes for 15 (5 sets) 6 back squats @ 65% *we are starting a new back squat cycle today, the next two weeks will be the foundation* B.) “strongman Friday” 3 rounds of: [...]

By |2018-06-28T22:53:49+00:00June 28th, 2018|


Mobilize, then: 2 sets of: 500 m row 4 line plank walk A.) 10 EMOM (alt) 3-5 deficit strict hspu 5 box jumps 30/24 B.) 12x1 deadlift @75-80% Fast and squeeze glutes and hold at top for 2 seconds * rest :30 sec between C.) 3 rounds for time: 8 bar muscle ups 8 hang [...]

By |2018-06-27T15:07:34+00:00June 27th, 2018|


Mobilize, then: Crossover symmetry activation protocol Then 2 sets of: 15 kB swings 10 hollow rocks 5 box jumps Muscle up warmup: 5 cast swings (reset after each one) 5 pop swings (good tug back on rings when you stop your feet) 5 peek-a-boo swings A.) 8 EMOM 3 ring muscle ups *scale to 2 [...]

By |2018-06-25T22:35:40+00:00June 25th, 2018|


Mobilize, then: “Empty barbell clean warmup” 5 reps each of: RDL High hang clean pull/shrug Below knee clean pull shrug with turnover Front squat Push press Jerk A) 7 sets of: Clean pull + full clean + front squat + jerk B.) Granite Games qualifier workout For time: 20, 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8, [...]

By |2018-06-24T22:44:57+00:00June 24th, 2018|


Mobilize, then: 2 sets of: 10 band pass thru’s in squat 4 line bear crawl A.) 6 sets of: High hang snatch + overhead squat (drop bar) + full snatch (from floor) *start at 60% and build to heavy B.) 24 min EMOM (alt) 1) 250/200 m row 2) 15 wall balls 20/14 3) 10 [...]

By |2018-06-22T02:37:39+00:00June 22nd, 2018|


Mobilize, then: 3 sets of: 10 T2B 5 box jumps 10 banded good mornings A.) 15 minute EMOM (alt) 1)3 weighted chin-ups (supine grip) 2)5-7 strict HSPU 3)10 ab wheel rollouts B.) E :30 sec for 7:30 (15 sets) 1 deadlift at 70% C.) 3 rounds for time: 10 burpee box jumps 24/20 10 hang [...]

By |2018-06-21T01:34:49+00:00June 21st, 2018|


Mobilize, then: 2 sets of: 15 banded monster walks 15 banded lateral walks (both directions) 15 kB swings 35/25 :40 sec plank A.) 4x3 front squat (start at 75% and build) Then.... 1 x 10 front squats @ 85% of heaviest triple today B.) 2 sets for time: 35/25 cal assault bike 12 push press [...]

By |2018-06-18T23:57:39+00:00June 18th, 2018|


Mobilize, then: 30/25 Cals on assault bike Crossover Symmetry activation A.) EMOM 10 2 ring mu *scale to 2 strict pull-ups + 2 jumping mu x 8 sets (don’t worry about the EMOM) B) 10 minutes (firm) to build to: Daily max of Power Clean C.) 20 amrap 500/400 m row 30 push-ups 20 pull-ups [...]

By |2018-06-17T21:44:04+00:00June 17th, 2018|


Mobilize, then.... 2 sets of: 20 cal row 15 T2B 10 air squats A.) every 2 for 12 3 front squats @ 75-80% (2 second pause on 1st rep only) B.) EMOM 15 (alt) 1) 5 strict pull-ups 2) 5 strict HSPU 3) 10 abwheel rollouts (can sub 15 hollow rocks) C.) 1,000 m row [...]

By |2018-06-13T16:41:18+00:00June 13th, 2018|


Mobilize, then.... 2 sets of: 5 inchworms 5 burpees 5 box jumps 5 strict pull-ups It’s 2-WOD Tuesday!! 1) 3 rounds for time: 15 deadlifts 245/165 15 dips (ring or bar) Rest 5-7 minutes, then.... 2) Jeryn’s 20th b-day wod! For time: 20 slamballs 30/20 20 wall-balls 20/14 20 pull-ups 20 box jumps 24/20 20 [...]

By |2018-06-11T22:40:37+00:00June 11th, 2018|
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